EE PLUS At a Glance
Your trusted advisor across all aspects of the electric grid value chain
EE PLUS is a niche strategic energy advisory firm specializing in all aspects of next generation grid, transmission and distribution infrastructure projects with a special focus on grid integration of renewable and emerging technologies. EE PLUS principals have over 40 years of experience in all facets of electric grid planning and operations including transmission planning, grid interconnection expertise, power system studies, energy market modeling and analysis, environmental/permitting services, early stage project development, project management, utility/ISO liaison, construction management and off-take analysis.
EE PLUS has a specialized team comprising of market fundamentals, energy and power system experts that offer a one-stop shop for all engineering, permitting, technical, financial and project management services related to early stage development of renewable energy and/or transmission projects. As part of EE PLUS focus on developing next generation energy system and energy market products and service offerings, EE PLUS is offering unique and state-of-the-art services around the application of data science, machine learning, predictive analytics and advanced data visualization to energy systems and energy markets.
Intersection of deep domain knowledge and next generation technology
Value-add services across the entire electric grid value chain
Enabling a sustainable next generation grid
Our Team
A company is only as good as the people that work for it – our most valuable asset – our team!

Sunil Talati, P.E.

Mandhir Sahni, PhD

Abhijeet Karmakar
Director, Grid Integration & IPP Development

Dr. Parimal Saraf
Manager – Grid Integration & Grid Analytics

Jorge Canamar
Business Development & Client Cultivation Manager

Pavithra Rajgopalan
Manager, India Operations

Stephen Johns, JD/MBA
Legal Counsel

Aaditya Kulkarni

Xiangying (Anna) Chang
Data Science Engineer

Vedprakash Sahu
Data Analytics Intern, Grid Analytics

Jason Edwards, PMP
Project Manager & Development Consultant

Dr. Divya Vedullapalli
Engineer – Power System Modeling & Grid Integration Studies

Sai Kiran Kanchari Bavajigari
Engineer – Power System Planning & Transmission Studies

Dr. Ayesha Firdaus
Engineer – Power System Dynamics & Renewable Integration

Arjunkumar Murugan
Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning

Salamathulla Abdulla
Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning

Nidhi Bansal
Sr. Market & Grid Operations Analyst

Dr. Sayari Das
Research Engineer- Power System Dynamics & Renewable Integration Studies

Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning

Dr. Saurabh Kesherwani
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning & Grid Integration Studies

Soumya Sahoo
Engineer, Transmission Planning & Utility Studies

Punya Wijetunge
Engineer – Grid Integration of Emerging Technologies

Karan Umbharatwala
Engineer, Transmission Planning & Utility Studies

Samruddhi Sushant Pai Kakode
Engineer, Generation and Transmission Planning

Sabareesh Sai Surapaneni
Intern, Resource Integration & Generation Planning

Engineer, Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning

Dr. Shri Ram Vaishya
Senior Engineer, Battery Storage Modeling & Analytics

Meena Sathiyabal
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning

Engineer – Transmission Planning & Utility Studies

Saranya M.
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning

Dr. Sumanth Pemmada
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning
Sunil Talati has over 30 years of corporate leadership experience in project management, business development and engineering design of electrical systems with an extensive background in power system analysis. Over the years, Sunil has worked on over 15,000MW of renewable generation projects in many countries, including the USA, UAE, Ireland, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, United Kingdom, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Russia, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Sunil also has many years of experience in corporate governance, finance, accounting and taxation, leading companies as both executive management and as a director, designing and building corporate infrastructure to maximize performance.
Sunil holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India and a master’s degree in power engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is a Professional Engineer from the State of Texas.
Dr. Mandhir Sahni has nearly 15 years of experience in generation and transmission planning in deregulated energy markets in the U.S. Mandhir is a subject matter expert on integration of renewable and emerging technologies to the grid and has served as an advisor, principal-in-charge and/or consultant to numerous utilities and/or Independent System Operators (ISOs). Dr. Sahni has led the origination, planning and approval of over $1.5 billion worth of transmission development projects in ERCOT and other ISO/RTO regions. He also has been at the forefront of the integration of wind, solar and emerging technologies to the Texas grid via the CREZ transmission development and has served as expert witness from a transmission planning, reliability and economic transmission development perspective at the PUCT.
Mandhir’s areas of expertise include grid integration of renewables, generation and transmission planning, energy market analysis, production cost modeling, power system reliability / protection, niche power system studies (SSR, EMT evaluations), advanced power system studies, energy storage modeling/analytics, and modeling and analysis of renewable / emerging technologies. Mandhir also has experience in renewable generation development, transmission planning and grid integration across all major ISO-centric markets in the U.S. including CAISO, PJM, ERCOT, MISO ISO-NE and SPP. Dr. Sahni has also served as principal in-charge on numerous international engagements including power system and renewable integration studies in India, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Indonesia.
Mandhir has published over 50 journal, conference and invited-expert-panel-session papers. Dr. Sahni is the author of 1 approved and 2 pending U.S. patents.
Mandhir holds a B.S.E.E. from B. M. S. College of Engineering (India), and an M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering – Power Systems and Energy Economics from The University of Texas, Arlington.
Director, Grid Integration & IPP Development
Abhijeet has over 10 years of experience in performing technical studies in power system including experience in project and resource management. He has conducted numerous studies for deliverability assessment for generation interconnection in all major markets across the US including ERCOT, PJM, MISO, SPP, CAISO, WECC and SERC power network systems. He has vast experience in helping IPPs in various stages of generation interconnection including submission of generation interconnection applications for different IPPs ensuring technical data verifications, model development, NERC/FERC compliance. His work also includes development of several wind and solar collection system model for projects in ERCOT, CAISO, SPP and other utilities. Prior to his joining, EE+ Abhijeet was working in DNV GL as Senior Lead Consultant- Generation Interconnection.
Abhijeet holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.
Manager – Grid Integration & Grid Analytics
Dr. Saraf has over 7 years of practical experience in power system planning focusing on transient stability assessment and application of optimization techniques in electric grid. He has performed numerous renewable grid integration studies, generation interconnection studies as well as NERC compliance studies in ERCOT as well as other markets in the US. Dr. Saraf is a subject matter expert on dynamic modeling of solar inverters and wind turbines. Dr. Saraf’s areas of expertise include power system planning, power system dynamics, small signal stability, application of optimization techniques to power systems and optimization applications for demand response and micro-grid applications. At EE+, Dr. Saraf’s focus is on developing next generation solutions to enable integration of emerging technologies and electricity markets specifically involving formulation of optimization problems as well as data science applications.
Dr. Saraf holds a Bachelor’s Degree from COEP (India) and an M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering – Power System Dynamics and Optimization from Clemson University, SC, USA.
Business Development & Client Cultivation Manager
With 15 years of experience in the transmission and distribution industry, Jorge brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the team. He has managed the integration of over 2,000 MW renewable energy projects, including wind, solar, and battery storage technology, in the ERCOT grid. He has served as an SME for NERC Compliance and utility audits. Jorge has also been involved in the planning and development of various transmission projects in ERCOT including some involving HVDC technology and other specialized devices.
He holds a BSc in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from the Monterrey Institute of Technology (ITESM) and is an IEEE member.
Manager, India Operations
Ms. Rajagopalan has over 10 years of progressive experience in conducting power system planning studies. Ms. Rajagopalan is responsible for leading a team of engineers performing generation & transmission planning, transmission elasticity/generation injection studies, Available Transfer Capability (ATC) assessments, generation interconnection process and queue management and system reliability impact studies. Ms. Pavithra’s regions of expertise and prior experience in terms of U.S markets include SPP, CAISO, WECC, MISO & FRCC. Ms. Pavithra is proficient in the use of power system software such as PowerWorld, PSS/E & ASPEN. Ms. Pavithra also specializes in the development of automation routines in PowerWorld.
Pavithra holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Texas at Arlington.
Legal Counsel
Stephen Johns brings over 26 years of experience as a corporate, securities and renewable energy attorney. He serves as outside general counsel for numerous companies in the renewable energy industry and possesses significant transactional experience, closing numerous M&A, investment, securities offering, finance or other transactions throughout his career. Stephen began his legal practice at Fulbright & Jaworski, Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison and Dell Computer Corporation. He attended the University of Texas at Austin where he studied Finance and The University of Houston where he obtained his Juris Doctor and M.B.A in Finance.
Mr. Kulkarni has over two years of practical experience in power system planning. Since joining EE+ Aaditya has worked on projects dealing with generation interconnection, load flow analysis of power systems under normal operation and contingency conditions, economic analyses such as cost estimation of projects.
Aaditya holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India and a master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from University at Buffalo.
Data Science Engineer
Ms. Chang has over 4 years of practical experience in programming, data engineering using SQL/Python/Excel/R Scripting and 2 years work experience in information technology and electric delivery sectors as a Data Engineer. She has in-depth knowledge of electric Common Information Model Systems (CIMS) and Neural Network models. At EE+, Anna’s focus is on application of data science techniques on energy grid and energy market data including development of predictive analytical tools.
Ms. Chang holds Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering from NUIST, China and Master Degree in Engineering Management from Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
Data Analytics Intern, Grid Analytics
Vedprakash Sahu is a highly qualified data scientist with extensive experience in data reporting, analytics, and visualization. He is responsible for developing data visualization tools for nodal LMPs, power system generation, load, transmission system outages, and other key parameters for the market pricing trends. He also assists in the development of web-application tools associated with visualization of grid and energy market data on GIS platforms.
In addition, he has a solid understanding of Statistics and is proficient in various programming languages such as R, C++, Python and SQL. He also brings in-depth knowledge of Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms and is currently working on developing advanced data solutions for energy systems and energy markets.
He holds a master’s degree in data science from Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station and was the co-founder of a startup called “Tilesbuy” in India.
Project Manager & Development Consultant
Jason brings over 25 years of experience in design, construction, maintenance, and operations of electrical power assets to assist clients in meeting their goals. His career began with 20 years in the US Navy, including extensive experience in the operation, maintenance, and administration of electrical systems associated with a nuclear power plant. For the past 10 years, Jason has specialized in electrical infrastructure project management. His work included assisting clients with understanding their electrical power assets and developing strategies to ensure the safe and efficient development and operation of those assets.
More recently, Mr. Edward’s focus has been on renewable energy generation projects. He has completed development work on multiple megawatts of utility scale generation facilities from initial inception to sale or construction. His work includes feasibility and valuation assessments, management of all work associated with project permitting, developing, implementing, and coordinating utility interconnect strategies, coordinating electrical studies, collaborating with local leaders and landowners for project development and construction activities, and coordinating with federal, state, and local government organizations for support of project strategies.
Mr. Edwards holds an MBA, a Graduate Certificate in Project Management, a BS in Mathematics and Physics, and Project Management Professional (PMP) certification with Project Management International (PMI).
Engineer – Power System Modeling & Grid Integration Studies
Dr. Divya Vedullapalli has over 4 years of practical experience in power system optimization problems focusing on restoration after multiple simultaneous faults and demand response applications for commercial buildings. Divya optimized the restoration of unbalanced distribution systems using graph theory and prioritized the fault clearance on Duke energy feeders. She also performed studies on scheduling the behind-the-meter energy storage system and utilization of thermal mass of a university building in response to time-of-use and maximum demand pricing. Divya’s areas of expertise include power system analysis, power system economics and optimization, distribution system restoration, fault analysis, optimization techniques for demand response applications, model predictive control, daily load forecasting techniques, and building energy modeling. Divya is proficient in MATLAB, OpenDSS, PowerWorld, EnergyPlus, eQUEST, and BCVTB software.
Divya holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Warangal (India), Master’s Degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Clemson University, SC, USA.
Engineer – Power System Planning & Transmission Studies
At EE+, Mr. Sai Kiran is focusing on generation interconnection and load flow analysis of the power systems under normal and contingency conditions. Sai Kiran has conference papers on Power system reliability and wireless power transmission. Sai Kiran’s interests are Power system analysis, Power system reliability and Power system protection.
Sai Kiran holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Patna, Bihar, India and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA.
Engineer – Power System Dynamics & Renewable Integration
Ayesha has five years of research experience in modeling, stability and control of conventional as well as modern power systems focusing on dynamic analysis and active power control of solar photovoltaic based distributed generation. Her expertise lies in designing and developing controllers for improving the stability of power systems including both classical power systems and microgrids. She has performed different system-level dynamic studies for multimachine transient stability analysis, small-signal analysis, etc., and has accordingly developed simplified mathematical models and controllers for improving the dynamic performance of the system. Ayesha’s area of expertise includes mathematical modeling, analysis, stability, and control of power systems, renewable energy resources, microgrid controls, grid integration of renewable energy, and distributed control in power systems.
Ayesha holds a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from JMI, New Delhi and M.Tech degree in Power Systems and Drives from AMU, Aligarh, India. She is on the verge of completing her doctoral degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, India.
Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning
Mr. Arjunkumar has over 4 years of experience in Power System Studies such as Load flow, Short circuit, Relay-coordination, Arc flash, Motor Acceleration, Transient stability and Harmonic analysis. He has also worked in projects involving Insulation Co-ordination such as TOV, SFO, FFO and VFO. At EE+, He is focusing on Generation Interconnection and Planning.
Arjun is proficient in ETAP, PSCAD, DIgSILENT, PVsyst, HOMER Pro, Matlab, PowerWorld, PSS/E and DIALux, He has also done a course in Post Graduate Diploma in Industrial Automation(PGDIA).
Arjun holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University College of Engineering, Thirukkuvalai, India and a Master’s Degree in Power Engineering and Management from the College of Engineering Guindy, Chennai, India.
Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning
Salamathulla has more than one and half years of experience in Power System studies like Load flow Analysis, Short circuit studies, Transient Stability Studies, Harmonic analysis, Motor acceleration studies. Salam worked at Power Projects and he is responsible for Power System Modelling, Transmission planning, Grid integration studies & Power Evacuation studies for renewable systems involving solar and wind. At EE+ he is focusing on generation interconnection, transmission planning, load flow analysis of power systems under normal operation and contingency conditions, economic analyses such as cost estimation of projects and Solar plant designing.
Salam is proficient in the use of power system software such as PSS®E, DIgSILENT PowerFactory, PowerWorld, PVSyst, HOMER pro.
Salam holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
Sr. Market & Grid Operations Analyst
Nidhi Bansal has over 5 years of experience in quantitative and economic analysis of power systems. She has performed various power studies including valuation of generation asset, generation interconnection and evacuation study, estimation of transmission congestion, voluntary/involuntary curtailment risk analysis. Nidhi’s area of expertise includes power flow analysis, power system modeling, forecast congestion and analyzing risk, transmission planning studies, analyzing nodal basis risks. Nidhi is proficient in the use of power system software – PSLF (a GE Power Flow model) and modeling software such as Dayzer, GE-MAPS & Promod.
Nidhi holds a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the PEC University of Technology (India), Master’s Degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.
Research Engineer- Power System Dynamics & Renewable Integration Studies
Sayari has over 5 years of research experience in Power System Dynamics focusing on application of the Synchrophasor technology for enhancing grid monitoring, control and protection. She has developed control analytics and grid stability solutions using PMU measurements for integration in the Energy Management Systems to improve grid reliability. Sayari has performed studies on real time grid visualization, characterization of grid disturbances, prevention of maloperation of protective relays and initiation of corrective control actions. Sayari’s area of expertise include adaptive protection, transient stability assessment, system integrity protection schemes and dynamic state estimation. Sayari is proficient in MATLAB, PSSE, DIgSILENT PowerFactory and Power world software and has hands on experience with RTDS and associated automation devices (Vizimax and SEL PMU/PDCs).
Sayari holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar (India), Master’s degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology BHU, Varanasi and Ph.D. in Power Systems from Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
Engineer – Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning
Devnath has rich experience in renewable integration study and has modelled and accomplished various solar power plant projects (Steady-state and Dynamic) in compliance with the Indian Grid Code. He has also done insulation coordination studies such as TOV, SFO, Transformer energization studies for substations in the middle east countries. His research area includes developing controllers and enhancing the stability of microgrids. He has also published an IEEE research paper on cable insulation degradation. Since joining EE+ he is working on generation interconnection and transmission planning for US Power markets. Devnath is proficient in power system software like PSS/E, PSCAD, Etap, Power world, MATLAB/Simulink.
Devnath holds a bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Pondicherry Engineering College, India, and a master’s degree in power systems from College of Engineering, Guindy, India.
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning & Grid Integration Studies
Saurabh has 6 years of research experience in Power System operations in the Deregulated electricity markets, along with two years of teaching and administrative work experience in academia. His research focuses on applying Synchrophasor technology to enhance the grid’s stability, security, and reliability. Saurabh has performed studies to integrate the quick and accurate methods for real-time Available Transfer Capability (ATC) determination and Congestion Management into the EMS to improve the grid’s security and reliability. Saurabh’s area of interest includes Power Flow Analysis, Stability Assessment, Security Analysis, issues in Electricity Market operations (such as Ancillary services, Flexibility requirements, ATC, Congestion Management, etc.) considering high RE penetration, Renewable Integration studies, and Remedial Action Schemes. Saurabh has ample experience in RTDS, Software-inloop (SIL) Simulations, ETAP, PowerWorld Simulator, MATLAB, PSS/E, etc. Saurabh holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from United College of Engineering and Research, Prayagraj (India), Master’s degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, Varanasi and Ph.D. in Power Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur.
Engineer, Transmission Planning & Utility Studies
Soumya has more than ten years of experience in the operation and maintenance of power distribution and transmission utilities. She also has research experience in optimization studies of renewable energy resources like solar and battery energy storage systems, advanced distribution management systems, DERMS, and microgrid management systems. She has worked on various projects related to smart grids and microgrids. Her responsibilities at EEPLUS include working on grid interconnection studies and transmission planning, load flow analysis of power systems and renewable integration studies. She is proficient in using software like MATLAB and PSS/E for various power system studies.
Soumya holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar (India), and a Master’s degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India).
Engineer – Grid Integration of Emerging Technologies
Punya received her BSc (engineering) degree from the University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in 1993. Her specialization was power systems engineering. She worked at Cruickshank & Partners (Ceylon) Ltd., Sri Lanka, a power system protection and control design company, as a project engineer after graduation and then joined the University of Moratuwa academic staff. In 2008, she received a BSc in actuarial mathematics from the University of Manitoba, Canada. She worked as a senior analyst at one of Canada’s largest insurance providers for over 13 years. Punya has a sound understanding of electrical power system principles with specific expertise in electromagnetic transient simulation using PSCAD software.
Engineer, Transmission Planning & Utility Studies
Karan has research experience in development of mathematical models and algorithms for power system networks. In addition, he has considerable experience with load flow analysis, short circuit analysis, contingency analysis, and EMI studies for traction systems. Karan’s responsibilities at EEPLUS include generation interconnection, transmission planning and developing next generation analytics for the electric grid. He is proficient in PSS/E and ETAP. He also has extensive experience working with Python, SQL, AI+ML and VBA.
Karan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (India), and a Master’s degree in Power Systems from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (India).
Engineer, Generation and Transmission Planning
Samruddhi has over 3 years of experience as an Electrical Engineer. In her past experience she has worked in the transit industry and Energy automation. She has experience in Traction power substations, tie breakers and other rail equipment’s configuration. She has worked on PLC, relays, and Fiber patch panels. She also has experience in ETAP simulations. She has worked on GE software determining the life cycle of various utility scale transformers. She has experience in analyzing Arc flash and short circuit data and have performed studies and reports on the same. She has also worked on SCADA systems for automation controllers. Samruddhi holds bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology University from Tamil Nadu India, following her Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Power) from Northeastern University of Boston, MA.
Intern, Resource Integration & Generation Planning
Sabareesh has MSE Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University, AZ, and bachelor’s degree in electrical and Electronics Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Delhi, India. He has experience of 2 years, in Transformers manufacturing and designs, substations designs and upgradation, and as a Market strategist.
He previously worked with Toshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. as a Research Intern in design and analysis of Amorphous and CRGO Core based transformers. He worked with Nani Electro Technics Pvt. Ltd. as Production Manager- Designing and Manufacturing of Power, Inverter Distribution transformers for Industrial Sector. He worked with Schindler India Pvt. Ltd. as Business Development Executive – Marketing strategist indulging in data analysis, client management and market structuring for acquiring better market stake in the elevator industry. His area of research includes Load flow power studies, Transient State Analysis, Dynamical system modeling, Contingency analysis, Power systems Operations and Planning, Renewable Electric Energy systems design. He is well experienced with PSS/E, MATLAB, Power World, PLECS, PSAT, SSAT, TSAT.
Engineer, Grid Interconnection & Transmission Planning
Aswinkumar has experience of 2 years in Grid integration studies and Power System Studies such as Load Flow, Short circuit, and Transient stability analysis. He also worked on PPC modelling in PSCAD and benchmarking the PPC simulation model as per the Indian grid code. He also has site experience in various solar parks in India for controlling the Solar inverters with a Power Plant controller. His research area includes modelling of Electric vehicle charge controllers. Since joining EE+ he is working on generation interconnection and transmission planning for US Power markets. Aswinkumar is proficient in power system software like PSS®E, PSCAD, Etap, Power World, and DIgSILENT PowerFactory.
Aswinkumar holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Agni College of Technology, India, and a master’s degree in power systems from the College of Engineering, Guindy, India.
Senior Engineer, Battery Storage Modeling & Analytics
Dr. Shri Ram has over ten years of research experience in the economical, reliable, and sustainable design of power systems. His areas of expertise include Steady-state modeling, analysis, and optimization of power systems; Electricity regulatory and policy issues; Distribution system analysis and optimization.
Shri Ram has performed numerous studies related to various wholesale electricity markets. He has also worked on the design and study of electricity market clearing engines for PJM, AEMO, and IEX (India). His research includes optimal power flow formulations, locational marginal pricing, financial transmission right, co-optimized energy and flexibility market, optimal available transmission capability, and transmission pricing. He has worked on the steady-state modeling of battery energy storage systems, multi-terminal HVDC systems, renewable energy systems, and distributed energy systems in the electricity markets. He has published six journals, nine conferences, and one white paper. He is proficient in MATLAB, CVX, GNU OCTAVE, GAMS, Python, EXCEL, and LATEX software.
Shri Ram holds a B.Tech degree in electrical engineering from Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, India, and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India. His Ph.D. thesis was Designing Advance Locational Marginal Pricing Schemes and FTR Instruments for the Power Market.
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning
Meena has 1 year of experience in teaching and administrative work in academics. As one year of experience in the teaching field, she is well-versed in the concepts of electrical machines and power system. Her research mainly focuses on microgrid and its control techniques. Since joining EE plus, she is focusing on generation interconnection and transmission planning for the US power market. She is proficient in MATLAB Simulink and power world.
Meena holds bachelor’s degree in electrical and Electronics Engineering from Hindusthan college of Engineering and Technology, India, and a master’s degree in Power Engineering and Management from College of Engineering, Guindy, India.
Engineer – Transmission Planning & Utility Studies
Shreyasi has six (6) years of research experience in design, control, and stability analysis of inverter-dominated power systems. Her research focuses on developing adaptive and robust control strategies for BESS and RERs to maintain reliable power supply for critical infrastructures in islanded networks and weak grids. Shreyasi’s area of interest includes power system stability analysis, grid-forming units, and event detection and localization. She has also published in several SCI-indexed journals and IEEE international conferences. Shreyasi has experience in simulators such as MATLAB, SIMULINK, PSCAD, RTDS, TYPHOON HIL, OPALRT-Hypersim.
Shreyasi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Raipur (India), a Master’s degree in Power Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (India), and a Ph.D. in Power Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (India).
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning
Saranya’s focus at EEPLUS will be assisting the Grid Integration Team on generation interconnection studies, transmission planning assessments, grid injection/feasibility studies and helping develop planning level cost estimates for system improvements.
Saranya holds a Bachelor’s in Engineering (Electrical Engineering) from the University College of Engineering, Thirukkuvalai, India.
Engineer, Generation & Transmission Planning
Dr. Sumanth has five years of research experience in optimal planning and operation of power systems and two years of teaching experience in academia. His research focuses on developing an effective planning methodology for the power system with RES, BESS, and reconfiguration for technical, economic, and environmental-based multiple objectives.
Sumanth’s area of interest includes load flow analysis for power systems and distribution networks, voltage stability enhancement, and artificial intelligence applications for power system optimization. He has also published in several SCI-indexed journals and IEEE international conferences. Sumanth has experience in software tools such as MATLAB, PSS/E, Power World, and PSCAD.
Dr. Sumanth holds a Bachelor’s degree in electrical & Electronics Engineering from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam (India), a Master’s degree in Power Systems Engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Warangal (India), and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur (India).
EE PLUS Leadership
Some of the most trusted, experienced, innovative and reputed minds in the energy industry
Sunil Talati, P.E.
Strategic Growth, Partnerships & Business Development Sunil Talati has over 30 years of corporate leadership experience in project management, business development and engineering design of electrical systems with an extensive background in power system analysis. Over the years, Sunil has worked on over 15,000MW of renewable generation projects in many countries, including the USA, UAE, [...]
Principal/PresidentDr. Mandhir Sahni, PhD
Research & Innovation, Business Line Vision, Strategic Growth & Resource Expansion Dr. Mandhir Sahni has nearly 15 years of experience in generation and transmission planning in deregulated energy markets in the U.S. Mandhir is a subject matter expert on integration of renewable and emerging technologies to the grid and has served as an advisor, principal-in-charge [...]
Principal/Vice-PresidentDr. Wei-Jen Lee
Emerging Trends & Technology & Industrial & Commercial Power System Advisory Prof. Lee has been involved in research on utility deregulation, renewable energy, smart grid, microgrid, energy internet and virtual power plants (VPP), arc flash hazards and electrical safety, load and wind capacity forecasting, power quality, distribution automation and demand side management, power systems analysis, [...]
AdvisorMark E Caskey
Mark E. Caskey, PE is a former C-suite executive and President with 35+years of experience in the electrical utility engineering & operation field. His expertise spans overhead/underground residential & commercial distribution for 12.5kV and 34.5kV systems; development of 138kV and 345kV transmission lines, electrical substation operation, system operation, customer service & local gov’t and utilities [...]
Strategic Advisor

Sunil Talati, P.E.

Dr. Mandhir Sahni, PhD

Dr. Wei-Jen Lee

Mark E Caskey
Strategic Advisor
Strategic Growth, Partnerships & Business Development
Sunil Talati has over 30 years of corporate leadership experience in project management, business development and engineering design of electrical systems with an extensive background in power system analysis. Over the years, Sunil has worked on over 15,000MW of renewable generation projects in many countries, including the USA, UAE, Ireland, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, United Kingdom, Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Russia, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Indonesia, Ecuador and Venezuela.
Sunil also has many years of experience in corporate governance, finance, accounting and taxation, leading companies as both executive management and as a director, designing and building corporate infrastructure to maximize performance.
Sunil holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from India and a master’s degree in power engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington. He is a Professional Engineer from the State of Texas.
Research & Innovation, Business Line Vision, Strategic Growth & Resource Expansion
Dr. Mandhir Sahni has nearly 15 years of experience in generation and transmission planning in deregulated energy markets in the U.S. Mandhir is a subject matter expert on integration of renewable and emerging technologies to the grid and has served as an advisor, principal-in-charge and/or consultant to numerous utilities and/or Independent System Operators (ISOs). Dr. Sahni has led the origination, planning and approval of over $1.5 billion worth of transmission development projects in ERCOT and other ISO/RTO regions. He also has been at the forefront of the integration of wind, solar and emerging technologies to the Texas grid via the CREZ transmission development and has served as expert witness from a transmission planning, reliability and economic transmission development perspective at the PUCT.
Mandhir’s areas of expertise include grid integration of renewables, generation and transmission planning, energy market analysis, production cost modeling, power system reliability / protection, niche power system studies (SSR, EMT evaluations), advanced power system studies, energy storage modeling/analytics, and modeling and analysis of renewable / emerging technologies. Mandhir also has experience in renewable generation development, transmission planning and grid integration across all major ISO-centric markets in the U.S. including CAISO, PJM, ERCOT, MISO ISO-NE and SPP. Dr. Sahni has also served as principal in-charge on numerous international engagements including power system and renewable integration studies in India, Georgia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Indonesia.
Mandhir has published over 50 journal, conference and invited-expert-panel-session papers. Dr. Sahni is the author of 1 approved and 2 pending U.S. patents.
Mandhir holds a B.S.E.E. from B. M. S. College of Engineering (India), and an M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering – Power Systems and Energy Economics from The University of Texas, Arlington.
Emerging Trends & Technology & Industrial & Commercial Power System Advisory
Prof. Lee has been involved in research on utility deregulation, renewable energy, smart grid, microgrid, energy internet and virtual power plants (VPP), arc flash hazards and electrical safety, load and wind capacity forecasting, power quality, distribution automation and demand side management, power systems analysis, online real-time equipment diagnostic and prognostic system, and microcomputer based instrument for power systems monitoring, measurement, control, and protection. He has served as the primary investigator (PI) or Co-PI of over one hundred funded research projects with the total amount exceed US$16 million dollars. He has published more than one hundred and fifty journal papers and two hundred seventy conference proceedings. He has provided on-site training courses for power engineers in Panama, China, Taiwan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Singapore. He has refereed numerous technical papers for IEEE, IET, and other professional organizations.
He has been involved in the revision of IEEE Std. 141, 339, 551, 739, 1584, and dot 3000 series development. He is the President Elect of the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS). He is an editor of IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications and IAS Magazine and editorial board member of Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) and CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems. He is the project manager of IEEE/NFPA Collaboration on Arc Flash Phenomena Research Project. In 1986, he joined the University of Texas at Arlington, where he is currently a professor of the Electrical Engineering Department and the director of the Energy Systems Research Center.
Professor Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas, Arlington, in 1978, 1980, and 1985, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. Prof. Lee is a Fellow of IEEE and registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.
Strategic Advisor
Mark E. Caskey, PE is a former C-suite executive and President with 35+years of experience in the electrical utility engineering & operation field. His expertise spans overhead/underground residential & commercial distribution for 12.5kV and 34.5kV systems; development of 138kV and 345kV transmission lines, electrical substation operation, system operation, customer service & local gov’t and utilities coordination. He has also provided testimony in state/federal jurisdictions.
He is currently serving as a Senior Consultant to the utility industry, providing expertise in 345 kV transmission line development, and technical and operating evaluations of large-scale power equipment.
Previously, serving as VP of Operations and later as President of Sharyland Utilities; Mark led overall utility operations, maintenance and reliability, and provided technical evaluation /planning of new projects, construction planning and implementation of projects, while ensuring NERC & TRE compliance. Mark directed Sharyland’s technical efforts to construct a portion of the ERCOT Competitive Renewable Energy Zone project, enabling the company to be awarded 4 collection stations and ~253 miles of 345 kV transmission lines; managed the purchase/successful integration of the Cap Rock Energy utility into Sharyland, enabling growth of its service territory; and directed efforts needed to expand capabilities to manage 20%/year growth of the Permian Basin energy needs.
Mark has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from The Texas A&M University and completed the Texas Engineering Extension Management Training Program, a four-year master program covering all aspects of personnel management.